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I gave a talk at #devopsdaysNewy on 24-Oct-2018. It was a great conference with lots of amazing people.
I want to thank the organizers for putting together such an amazing event. I want to extend the thanks to the sponsors who made it possible :). It was very good couple of days to meet new people and form a network. I think my talk on microservices went pretty good too. It was my second devops days and I enjoyed it.

Moving from A and B to 150 microservices, the journey, and learnings

The abstract #

Are you frustrated working with large, legacy and potentially lethal code bases? We were frustrated too,but in 4-5 years of time, we replaced A (front-end) and B (back-office) system with ~150 microservices. From the days of no tests and clumsy deployment process, we moved to each service with unit tests, CI and deploying with a bot. With the business buying in the process, we enabled the business to reach new heights. This talk reveals that journey and the things we learned along the way.

The slides #

Slides on slide share

Video #

Video added on 23-Nov-2019.

Conclusion #

I gave the same talk at Node Sydney September meetup that went pretty well too. Hope to be able to give more talks in future and meet more interesting people.
